Msasa Enterprises

Operation Hurricane
1970 to 1974

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  Flame Lily Collection  |  The Final Chapter  |  A Tribute in Sound  
THE SAINTS - The Rhodesian Light Infantry
Rhodesian Forces 1 & 2 Attack on Cassinga
VISCOUNT DOWN - the survivors' story


The north eastern border of Rhodesia – a vast and rugged area extending from below Kariba Dam across to the upper reaches of the eastern highlands of the Inyanga mountains, and dipping south far enough to include the capitol city of Salisbury and its surrounding district. Within this area lay some of the richest farm lands of the country, as well as a vast number of Tribal Trust Lands and African Purchase Areas.

It was into this region in the late 60s that the leaders of the Patriotic Front began their ‘chimurenga’ or ‘war of liberation’ in earnest. Their mission was simple: to win over the hearts and minds of the local population and build a platform from which to expand their military offensives and ultimately bring about political change. It was traditionally the duty of the ‘first force’ of Rhodesia, the British South Africa Police (in conjunction with the Department of Internal Affairs) to administer and maintain law and order across these rural areas.

The Security Forces had no idea of the vast extent to which their enemy was established and living within the rural communities right under their noses. The depth and effectiveness of the terrorist infiltration soon had a marked effect on the supply of information to the police authorities. The information was simply not coming to hand as it had in the past. Despite being poorly trained and ill equipped, the sometimes ruthless methods of the ‘freedom fighters’ were beginning to have the desired effect on the local  population.

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